Scientific Committee

Priyanka Bhadra, PhD

Dr. Priyanka Bhadra, is currently working as a scientist in the department of Biophysics, Bose Institute Kolkata, Saltlake, Sector v. Her area of work is Nanorobotics device fabrication for Cancer diagnostic and treatment. She got her Doctoral Thesis Award from Jadavpur University, Department of Metallurgical Engineering on Nanomaterial Synthesis and their Bio-application. She had six months Post-Doctoral Research Fellowship experience from the University of Tokyo in Biosensor application. From 2012 to 2016, she engaged as a Post- Doctoral Research Fellow in the department of Electrical Engineering, IIT Madras, Working in NEMS and MEMS devices for Biosensor applications. Since 2017, she has been actively engaged in Scientific Review Article Writing as a freelance writer. She has significantly contributed to writing proposals for DST, SERB and DeiTy. Her notable research includes the development of proper surface engineering for antigen-antibody interaction, for which she got the award of a young scientist in 2015, a woman in science, conducted by CEFIPRA (Indo-French collaboration). She has published in several peer-reviewed international journals in the context of nanomaterials and their applications in the biological field. One paper on biosensors for triglyceride sensing got selected as the best paper of the year 2020 by IEEE sensor. Her sincere contribution to forming an entire book on Covid-19 is under Nova publishing house.

Research Area and Expertise
Nanobiotechnological Scientist with extensive Ten years of expertise in Nanomaterial Science and Nanotechnology field especially in differential Nanomaterial Synthesis and Surface Functionalization through proper Surface Chemistry, Nanobiotechnology, Nanorobotics, DNA Nanotechnology, Nanostructures, NEMS, Biosensor, Surface Engineering and Drug Delivery. Currently involved in DNA nanotechnology, Nanobot, Magbot and Sonobot device fabrication, and G-Quadruplex based Nanorobotics engineering in cancer diagnosis and treatment.

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