
Ultrasensitive Detection of SARS-CoV-2 Antibody

Pillalamarri Srikrishnarka

Dielectica traverses through the literature on this topic – and summarizes as they appear.

Key words: SARS-CoV-2, RT-PCR, COVID, Biosensor, Liquid-gated FET

Chennai, India: Presently, the world is dealing with the outbreak of a respiratory illness caused by the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus – 2 also known as (SARS-CoV-2). Being a successor to SARS-CoV-1 which was responsible for the 2002-2004 SARS outbreak, is highly contagious as the transmission primarily occurs via aerosols. [1] The virion typically ranges between 50-200 nm in diameter having four structural proteins known as the spike, envelope, membrane and nucleocapsid. [2] Testing-tracking and treating is the current strategy followed globally for controlling the pandemic. Nucleic acid testing using quantitative reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (qRT-PCR) is the golden standard for diagnosing COVID-19. However, this methodology requires sample purification, amplification and trained professionals which reduces the overall efficiency of the testing system.

To mitigate some of these limitations, there have been strides made using colloidal gold particles-based lateral flow assay, enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay and luminescence-based biosensors. However, for most of these sensors, the detection limit reaches a maximum of 2.8 fM. (where 1fM is 10-15 M). This limitation could become a factor while managing COVID when the antibody concentration is below this value. Therefore, while studying the vaccine efficacy, a sensor that can detect even the smallest concentration of antibodies is needed. In this regard, Hang et al., from Fudan University recently developed a graphene-based field-effect transistor for detecting SARS-CoV2 antibodies. Monolayered graphene films were initially prepared using chemical vapor deposition on copper foils. Graphene from these copper foils was then transferred onto SiO2/Si substrate using the wetting method. In this method, graphene is first transferred to phenyl methyl ether solution containing polymethyl methacrylate. Graphene was later transferred onto a SiO2/Si substrate from PMMA. The graphene is then functionalized with 1-pyrenebutyric acid N-hydroxysuccinimide ester (PASE) molecules through the pi-pi coupling. The spike S1 protein of SARS-CoV2 is then anchored to PACE via the amine group present on the protein with the hydroxyl-free succinimide esters present on PASE. Finally, an open well was created on the SiO2/Si substrate using PDMS, this helps in holding the sample solution.

This sensor comprises a liquid-gated FET with Ag/AgCl reference electrode which is inserted in the electrolyte as gate electrodes. The electrolyte/graphene interface serves as a dielectric layer when a liquid-gate bias is applied externally. Current response to external voltage was measured. At a particular voltage, a drop in current was observed. As soon as the antibody was dropped on the sensor within 15 min there was a shift in the voltage. A calibration curve was obtained by varying the concentration of antibodies and the voltage shifts were noted. Using this sensor, a concentration of 2.6 aM was achieved. How is this possible? Is a simple question that everyone gets, graphene is wonder material having an atomic layer thickness due to this the surface is covered completely with the receptor which helps in higher sensitivity. The detection result is read out directly from the electric response without needing any complex further processing and data analysis. Such chips can be manufactured large-scale at a relatively low cost. It does hold a great promise for on-site point-of-care detection of SARS-CoV-2 thus mitigating cross-infection and accessibility for testing at home. These results have been published in the journal NANO Letters. [3]

[2]Philip V’kovski et al. Nat Rev Microbiol.  2020, 1–16.
[3] Hua Kang et al. Nano Lett.2021, 21, 19, 7897–7904.

Business News

World’s first at SPS IPC Drives: The first intelligent bus cable for safe automation

CF.D enables monitoring of highly dynamic e-chain cables in the Smart Factory, thus reducing disruption to production operations

At the 2018 SPS IPC Drives, igus presented a novel and globally unique concept for the intelligent monitoring of bus cables in e-chain systems. Thanks to early alerts, even in case of the slightest changes in transmission characteristics, the CF.D system detects imminent plant shutdowns in good time. In this way, the high costs for unplanned production losses can be avoided.

The mechanical loads in energy chains eventually change the transmission characteristics of bus cables. As well as linear travels, this also applies to three-dimensional movements, for example in the case of dress packs on robots. The result is disruptions in data transmission or even unforeseen plant failures. The globally unique concept presented by motion plastics specialist igus at this year’s SPS IPC Drives detects the impairment of the chainflex bus cable used in advance. The intelligent system consists of an evaluation unit and a response module. These are integrated at the beginning and end of the moving bus cable. The evaluation unit is usually placed in the switch cabinet on the fixed end side, and the response module in the distribution box on the moving end side. Between the two, special data packs are transmitted for measurement purposes and the cable quality is permanently evaluated by means of the increasing number of lost or damaged packs. If a predefined value is exceeded, the customer is alerted via a yellow LED and the switching of a contact. This alert threshold can also be queried via the connected network and the current situation can be displayed in a web browser. Exceeding a second alert threshold is signaled via red LED and indicates a failure of the bus transmission, so that the error can be quickly located by taking a look at the switch cabinet.

smart plastics range continues to grow
For the first time, the innovative system enables the monitoring of a cable in dynamic operation, without additional measuring wires or sacrificial cables. CF.D integrates itself into the isense environment for predictive maintenance. igus has been developing a family of products since 2016 under this heading, where various sensors and monitoring modules add intelligence to motion plastics products such as energy chains, cables, linear guides and slewing ring bearings. They measure among other things the wear during the operation and alert the user early enough to plan repair or replacement. By networking using the igus communication module (icom), the online status and alert display, for example via a PC, tablet or smartphone, is just as possible as a direct integration into the customer’s infrastructure. These smart plastics are already predicting the service life of numerous customer applications, such as in the automotive industry.

The next step of development is the increasing integration of the planned components, such as the integration of the receiver in a connector housing. Interested beta testers can contact igus at

CONTACT:   Vaibhav Taware Regional Manager   igus (India) Private Limited 36/1, Sy. No. 17/3 Euro School Road, DoddaNekkundi Industrial Area – 2nd Stage Mahadevapura Post Bangalore – 560048 Phone :+91 9350922339 Visit us on www.igus.inCONTACT:   Serish Gupta Product Engineer   igus (India) Private Limited 36/1, Sy. No. 17/3 Euro School Road, DoddaNekkundi Industrial Area – 2nd Stage Mahadevapura Post Bangalore – 560048 Phone :+91 8105058844 Visit us on

The terms “igus”, “Apiro”, “chainflex”, “CFRIP”, “conprotect”, “CTD”, “drylin”, “dry-tech”, “dryspin”, “easy chain”, “e-chain”, “e-chain systems”, “e-ketten”, “e-kettensysteme”, “e-skin”, “flizz”, “ibow”, “igear”, “iglide”, “iglidur”, “igubal”, “kineKIT”, “manus”, “motion plastics”, “pikchain”, “plastics for longer life”, “readychain”, “readycable”, “ReBeL”, “speedigus”, “triflex”, “robolink”, and “xiros” are protected by trademark laws in the Federal Republic of Germany and internationally, where applicable.

Business News

Find out today about tomorrow’s world: igus smart plastics make maintenance intelligent

Smart products made of tribo-polymers increase the service life of machine tools by digitally monitoring their status

“Industry 4.0”, “Internet of Things” and “Smart Factory” – these concepts are no longer a vague promise of what is to come. Companies are already able to benefit from the use of intelligent systems and products. At EMO 2019, igus will be showing how machine tool manufacturers and customers can raise their maintenance to a new level and, at the same time, reduce costs by using smart machine components.

Maintenance in the era of Industry 4.0 means a clear change of paradigm. Instead of personnel carrying out maintenance at fixed intervals or merely reacting to a failure or a fault, so-called “predictive maintenance” makes it possible to continually monitor the status of the machine tool. Repair or replacement is only carried out when really necessary. Maintenance tasks can be planned precisely. At the same time, unscheduled shutdowns and therefore the costs of failure can be reduced due to condition monitoring. In order to make this possible, igus has developed sophisticated smart plastics, by using diverse sensors and monitoring modules for energy chains, plain bearings, linear bearings and slewing ring bearings. For example, sensors for the measurement of abrasion or wear of the pin/bore connections of energy chains as well as sensors for the detection of breakages and the push/pull forces being applied. Due to networking with the new igus communication module (, the sensors are integrated into the customer’s own IT infrastructure, for example into production management systems such as SCADA and MES, or online into cloud solutions throughout a company.

Flexible data integration with new
The is programmed with initial service life algorithms on the basis of igus configuration tools and, at the customer’s request, can be operated offline without an update function after online installation. The user can therefore decide how the module is connected and how the data is managed, while establishing a balance between runtime maximisation and IT security. If online connection of the is chosen, the service life information is continuously compared with the igus cloud in order to enable maximum machine run times with a minimum risk of failure. The data in the cloud inter alia draw on the 10 billion annual test cycles of energy chains and cables performed in the company’s own 3,800 square metre test laboratory. On the basis of these tests, the results of which are incorporated into the freely available service life calculator, it is possible to precisely predict how long an e-chain, for example, will work reliably in the respective machine tool application. Thanks to the isense components, the service life is continually updated, giving the customer additional reassurance. This is because each update takes into account the current ambient conditions of the application. Thanks to machine learning and continuous improvement, precise information on the durability of the individually used solutions in real applications can be obtained. This information can be viewed on the screen of the machine control system and, if online connection is chosen, an SMS or e-mail can provide the relevant details if unexpected operating states occur or maintenance is impending. At an early stage, users are informed if there is a need to procure replacement parts; a wide range of scenarios such as automatic initiation of maintenance work or the ordering of replacement parts as well as “e-chain as a service” can be implemented.

Vaibhav Taware
Regional Manager
igus (India) Private Limited
36/1, Sy. No. 17/3 Euro School Road,
DoddaNekkundi Industrial Area – 2nd Stage Mahadevapura Post Bangalore – 560048
Phone :+91 9350922339
Visit us on
Serish Gupta
Product Engineer
igus (India) Private Limited
36/1, Sy. No. 17/3 Euro School Road, DoddaNekkundi Industrial Area – 2nd Stage
Mahadevapura Post Bangalore – 560048
Phone :+91 8105058844
Visit us on

The terms “igus”, “Apiro”, “chainflex”, “CFRIP”, “conprotect”, “CTD”, “drylin”, “dry-tech”, “dryspin”, “easy chain”, “e-chain”, “e-chain systems”, “e-ketten”, “e-kettensysteme”, “e-skin”, “flizz”, “ibow”, “igear”, “iglidur”, “igubal”, “kineKIT”, “manus”, “motion plastics”, “pikchain”, “plastics for longer life”, “readychain”, “readycable”, “ReBeL”, “speedigus”, “triflex”, “robolink”, and “xiros” are protected by trademark laws in the Federal Republic of Germany and internationally, where applicable.

Business News

Maintenance requirements identified in advance with the new smart plastics linear guide

Intelligent igus sensor keeps track of the wear of linear plain bearing liners, increasing the reliability

Detecting the wear of liners in linear systems at an early stage was the goal of the engineers at igus, who have now developed a new, intelligent linear guide. A sensor in the bearing liners measures the individually determinable wear limit and sounds an alarm when it is reached. This allows maintenance to be planned in advance and avoid unexpected system failure.

When should I change my bearing? This question is posed by operators of systems that use linear robots and linear systems around the clock. From the packaging machine and the glass processing industry up to machine tools. Linear guides must withstand extreme loads. In order to detect early wear of the sliding lubrication-free bearings made of high-performance plastics and to plan the maintenance in advance, igus has now developed a new smart system for its drylin linear systems. The new smart plastics technology measures the wear of dirt and dust-resistant bearings and gives the user a signal when the wear limit is reached.

Patented technology for wear monitoring
A new intelligent and patented technology ensures the measurement of the wear of a bearing in all directions. To do this, igus integrates a sensor in the bearing, which sends the measured data to the icom. The communication module collects the data of all smart plastics sensors, processes them and forwards them. The user can take over the monitoring with the terminal device of his choice and therefore always carry out maintenance, repair and replacement.

Fast replacement directly on the rail
If a bearing change is needed, it is quite simple, because this is where igus banks on its smart bearing replacement technique. The linear axis or the multi-axis gantry with toothed belt drive no longer has to be disassembled, because the replacement takes place directly on the rail. Similar to a pit stop in Formula 1, the linear plain bearing can be changed in no time at all and thanks to a free tool, it reduces downtimes to a minimum. The system can be put back into operation within a few minutes.

Vaibhav Taware
Regional Manager
igus (India) Private Limited
36/1, Sy. No. 17/3 Euro School Road, DoddaNekkundi Industrial Area – 2nd Stage Mahadevapura Post Bangalore – 560048 Phone :+91 9350922339 Visit us on
Serish Gupta
Product Engineer
igus (India) Private Limited
36/1, Sy. No. 17/3 Euro School Road, DoddaNekkundi Industrial Area – 2nd Stage Mahadevapura Post Bangalore – 560048 Phone :+91 8105058844 Visit us on

The terms “igus”, “Apiro”, “chainflex”, “CFRIP”, “conprotect”, “CTD”, “drylin”, “dry-tech”, “dryspin”, “easy chain”, “e-chain”, “e-chain systems”, “e-ketten”, “e-kettensysteme”, “e-skin”, “flizz”, “ibow”, “igear”, “iglidur”, “igubal”, “kineKIT”, “manus”, “motion plastics”, “pikchain”, “plastics for longer life”, “readychain”, “readycable”, “ReBeL”, “speedigus”, “triflex”, “robolink”, and “xiros” are protected by trademark laws in the Federal Republic of Germany and internationally, where applicable.

Business News

Evaluate machine data with new igus communication module module enables predictive maintenance with flexible data integration for high IT security

Being able to predict and plan maintenance is the goal pursued by igus with its smart plastics solutions. Intelligent sensors, for example, measure the wear of energy chains, slewing rings and linear guides. With the new communication module, the customer can now decide in which form they would like to incorporate the acquired data from the sensors. From an offline version for restrictive environments up to the connection of the values to the igus server for automatic spare parts ordering, the user is free to integrate and read their data.

Under the name isense, igus carries sensors of various kinds that detect the condition of igus components such as cables or energy chains. They measure among other things the wear during the operation and alert the user early enough to plan repair or replacement. By networking with the icom communication module, the data is transmitted to an intelligent system. The module can be connected to all igus specific sensors. For example, with sensors for the measurement of abrasion, or the wear measurement of the pin-bore connection of the energy chain, as well as sensors for the detection of break and push-pull forces and for cable monitoring. Once the measured values from a sensor have been transferred to the icom module, they have to be “interpreted”, i.e. understood in order to generate instructions from the same. So far, this has been possible via the connection to the igus cloud. Due to the increasing importance of IT security, however, many companies are increasingly relying on the development of their own SCADA systems, which is why igus has now advanced its data concentrator into With the new module, the customer can integrate the data in the way that best suits their equipment.

Flexible data connection through new 3-in-1 module
The is programmed via igus online configurations with initial service life algorithms. The special feature: the new communication module can be operated offline upon customer request, after online installation without update function. In this “semi-offline” case, during an initial “learning phase”, the device requires a temporary, short-term secured IoT access to the igus server to match the calculation algorithms to the actual motion and environmental profile of the customer application. In very restrictive areas, the update can also be performed from the beginning via a storage medium completely offline. In this way, the user can flexibly design the connection of the module and their data to establish a balance between maximising the runtime and IT security. The motion profile required for the calculation of the maintenance recommendation is read directly from the control system via the bus system of the machine. In the same way, the information about the number of days until the next recommended maintenance and freely definable warning messages about unusual changes in the sensor data are transferred to the PLC control. The user information is provided directly via the system monitor or via customer-specific SCADA systems.

Predictive maintenance by connecting to the igus server
With the online connection of the, a continuous matching of the service life statement with the igus cloud takes place in order to enable maximum system runtimes with minimal failure risk. The data in the cloud draws on the 10 billion test cycles of energy chains and cables performed in the company’s own 2,750 square metre test laboratory, and thanks to machine learning and AI, igus can provide precise information on the durability of the solutions used and inform the user about a necessary replacement beforehand.

CONTACT:   Vaibhav Taware Regional Manager   igus (India) Private Limited 36/1, Sy. No. 17/3 Euro School Road, DoddaNekkundi Industrial Area – 2nd Stage Mahadevapura Post Bangalore – 560048 Phone :+91 9350922339 Visit us on www.igus.inCONTACT:   Serish Gupta Product Engineer   igus (India) Private Limited 36/1, Sy. No. 17/3 Euro School Road, DoddaNekkundi Industrial Area – 2nd Stage Mahadevapura Post Bangalore – 560048 Phone :+91 8105058844 Visit us on

The terms “igus”, “Apiro”, “chainflex”, “CFRIP”, “conprotect”, “CTD”, “drylin”, “dry-tech”, “dryspin”, “easy chain”, “e-chain”, “e-chain systems”, “e-ketten”, “e-kettensysteme”, “e-skin”, “flizz”, “ibow”, “igear”, “iglidur”, “igubal”, “kineKIT”, “manus”, “motion plastics”, “pikchain”, “plastics for longer life”, “readychain”, “readycable”, “ReBeL”, “speedigus”, “triflex”, “robolink”, and “xiros” are protected by trademark laws in the Federal Republic of Germany and internationally, where applicable.


Stretchable micro-supercapacitor to lighten tomorrow’s wearable technology

Dielectica traverses through the literature on this topic – and summarizes as they appear.

Correspondence prepared by: Sourabh Pal, Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur, India, email: (18:01:2021 and 14:00)

Key Words: supercapacitor, graphene, nanogenerator, nanosheets

India: An emerging new field of research that combines the strengths and capabilities of electronics and textiles into one is wearable electronics, opening new opportunities for electronic industry. It is also known as smart fabrics, which not only constitute wearable capabilities like any other garment, but also have local  monitoring, computation and as well as wireless communication potentials. Technology is indeed the main catalyst that can swiftly transform health care and the practice of medicine. So, any technology which can minimize the loss of human life and enhance the quality of life has undoubtedly a priceless value. In this aspect, the wearable electronics fulfills the dual roles of being a flexible information infrastructure that will facilitate the prototype of universal computing and a system for monitoring the vital signs of individuals in an efficient and cost-effective manner with a widespread interface of clothing. Wearable technology has already been offering versatile applications for consumers, emergency services and military users. Currently, the wearable technology companies and developers are now looking for novel ideas and conceptions to come up with advanced wearable devices that can serve the needful to the consumers.

However, the traditional wearable electronic devices require external power sources for powering. In this context, the main shortcoming lies in the low power density and limited stretchability of the external power sources. Hence, as a savior, micro-supercapacitors are the ideal energy storage devices that can be an excellent replacement of conventional batteries in wearable platform. Typical micro-supercapacitors usually demonstrates a sandwich-like stacked geometry that exhibits poor flexibility, long ion diffusion distances and a complex integration process when combined with wearable electronics. To overcome this ambiguity, in 2020, a research team of Penn State, Minjiang University and Nanjing University has explored an alternative device configuration and integration techniques to provide an advancement of micro-supercapacitors in wearable electronic applications [1]. Prof. Cheng and his team have utilized 3D laser-induced graphene foam and non-layered, ultrathin zinc-phosphorus nanosheets to construct the island-bridge type design of the micro-supercapacitor cells, leading to drastic improvements in electric conductivity and the number of absorbed charged ions. This offers the essential confirmation that these unique micro-supercapacitor arrays can charge and discharge efficiently and can store the energy needed to power a wearable device simultaneously. The researchers have also successfully integrated this system with a triboelectric nanogenerator, an emerging energy harvester that converts external mechanical energy to electrical one. Hence, this wireless charging element which can efficiently harvest energy from everyday human motion, unquestionably paves a new horizon towards high-performance stretchable and wearable electronic systems..

[1] C. Zhnag et. al. Nano Energy, 81, 105609 (2021).

Business News

Large space, small price: motion plastics make igus delta robots cost-effective and low-maintenance Lubrication-free, low-cost parallel kinematics with 660mm working space diameter.

Simple automation and low cost: the igus delta robot makes this possible by the use of lubrication-free components made of tribo-polymers. At the 2019 Motek show, the motion plastics specialist presented a new version with a 10 times larger work space volume compared with the proven model. This lightweight system for easy pick & place tasks, is delivered as a pre-assembled kit or ready to install product. This guarantees quick operation and saves costs immediately.

Lightweight, cost-effective and with a larger range – that’s the new delta robot drylin DLE-DR from igus. Using lubrication-free tribo-polymers, it is not only very cost-effective when buying, but also low maintenance when in use. This reduces maintenance and downtime costs. Thanks to a modular system, users can choose between a compact self-assembly modular kit or pre-assembled version in a transport frame. The robot consists of three maintenance-free drylin ZLW toothed belt axes with NEMA23 XL encoder stepper motors, lubrication-free igubal coupling joints and matching adapter plates for grippers and motors. This ensures the quick handling of up to 5 kilograms with a precision of ± 0.5 millimetres. The new delta robot offers a 10 times larger working space with 660mm diameter at 180mm height, which significantly increases the range. A calibrating pin allows the robot to be positioned at the zero point. It is directly fixed to the mounting hub.

Simple automation available from 5.9 Lakhs
The use of the delta robot is very apt for simple assembly activities, pick and place tasks, as well as applications in inspection technology. As a construction kit, it can be set up in just 30 minutes and is extremely cost-effective from 5.9 lakhs. “Even a smaller or medium-sized company can venture into automation for a few lakhs”, says Stefan Niermann, Head of Low Cost Automation at igus. “At the same time, the operator benefits very quickly from their new automation solution. The payback period is less than six months for most applications.” Depending on the customer’s requirements, the new drylin DLE-DR can be delivered within 2 weeks as a pre-assembled construction kit with assembly instructions in a box, or as a ready-to-install system in a transport frame. As an option, the customer can use their own software and control system, or the intuitive and easy-to-use dryve D1 control system from igus.

Build your own robot with just a few clicks
With the drylin DLE-DR delta robot, igus is expanding its broad selection of robotics components. Based on its tribo-polymer expertise, the company has been developing cost-effective automation solutions for order picking, feeding, quality assurance and assembly for many years. These include robolink DP – a modular system that allows users to assemble articulated arms with a robust and lightweight plastic housing, gearboxes and motors into a robotic arm of their own. The offer also includes robolink DCi, a pre-configured, ready-to-use automation system. It consists of a 4 or 5-axis robot and a control system that is integrated at the base of the gripper arm in a space-saving manner. This year igus and its industry partners introduced the platform to enable customers to quickly assemble their own robot solution. With just a few clicks, you can put together your own low-cost robotic solution online. The basic electro-mechanical structure is thereby the articulated-arm robots, delta robots and linear robots. In the next step, the user supplements this basic structure by adding individual components of different manufacturers such as grippers, suction units, cameras, motors, sensors and control systems. The advantage: all components are compatible with each other. The user quickly receives a reliably operating overall automation package that meets their individual requirements and budget.

CONTACT:     Vaibhav Taware Regional Sales Manager-North   igus (India) Private Limited 36/1, Sy. No. 17/3 Euro School Road, Dodda Nekkundi Industrial Area – 2nd Stage Mahadevapura Post Bangalore – 560048 Phone : +91 80 45127800 Cell      : (+91)9350922339 Visit us on www.igus.inCONTACT:     Serish Gupta Product Engineer   igus (India) Private Limited 36/1, Sy. No. 17/3 Euro School Road, Dodda Nekkundi Industrial Area – 2nd Stage Mahadevapura Post Bangalore – 560048 Phone : +91 80 45127800 Cell      : (+91)81 0505 8844 Visit us on

The terms “igus”, “Apiro”, “chainflex”, “CFRIP”, “conprotect”, “CTD”, “drylin”, “dry-tech”, “dryspin”, “easy chain”, “e-chain”, “e-chain systems”, “e-ketten”, “e-kettensysteme”, “e-skin”, “flizz”, “ibow”, “igear”, “iglidur”, “igubal”, “kineKIT”, “manus”, “motion plastics”, “pikchain”, “plastics for longer life”, “readychain”, “readycable”, “ReBeL”, “speedigus”, “triflex”, “robolink”, and “xiros” are protected by trademark laws in the Federal Republic of Germany and internationally, where applicable.


Futuristic technique for identification of Gallbladder disease

Dielectica traverses through the literature on this topic – and summarizes as they appear.

Key Words: SERS, Gallbladder, Gold Nanostructure, Nickel foam

Human body is believed to be a well developed machine that can perform complex operations. Gallbladder is a very important part of human organ system. It accumulates particular fluid called ‘bile’ which can break down the fat present in the consumed food and thus helps digestion process. However, any problem in the Gallbladder system can create several health problems such as severe abdominal pain, jaundice, gallstones. In extreme cases when the growth of stones is dominant, patients are left with the option of surgery to get rid of the stones or the removal of entire gallbladder in worst condition. Thus proper diagnosis of Gallbladder related diseases is very much essential to lead a healthy life.

Most of the disease diagnosis methods are based on spectroscopy i.e. the interaction between matter and electromagnetic radiation. In this context, Surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) is believed to be a potential spectroscopic tool, named after the pioneering Indian scientist Sir. C. V. Raman. Recently, Prof. H. Chung and co-workers have reported an advanced SERS-based technique capable of direct measurement of raw bile juice to identify any Gallbladder related disease in the upcoming issue of the journal Sensors & Actuators, B:  Chemical [1]. Over other known techniques the reported method is believed to be advantageous as it doesn’t require any pre-treatment process and thus becomes a handy analytical route for fast screening. The group has developed a paper strip based system where specially designed gold nanostructure (of dendrite shape) has been encaged over nickel foam (a cage like morphology of nickel). In this study, Gold nanostructure has been chosen owing to its high SERS efficiency. With such experimental designing, the team has studied the discrimination of various samples of raw bile juice collected from Gallbladder stone and Gallbladder polyp patients. According to the authors, although the reported method is very promising, future activities on accuracy, sampling range etc. are to be performed for making the technique applicable for clinical analysis.

[1] T. D. Vu et. al. Sens. Actuators B Chem., 329,129238 (2021).

Business News

Bigger, stronger, faster: new igus linear robots for cost-effective automation

Low cost process automation with lubrication-free drylin linear robots from igus

Simple, precise, fast processes: these are the requirements of Cartesian robots. They are used for such things as pick-and-place applications, sorting systems and medical technology. igus has now developed a linear and room linear robot for large workspaces. The two new kinematics systems allow users to move up to five kilogrammes. Both linear robots are available directly from stock. They can also be customised to suit the customer application in question – no minimum order quantity.

To survive on the market, both large industrial players and small companies need automated solutions that will quickly pay for themselves. For years, Cartesian robots have been a means of choice in automation technology. They allow users to complete their tasks quickly, easily and cost-effectively. All that is required is a little bit of programming effort. igus’ lubrication-free linear axes developed in several stage. Depending on the application’s requirements, two-axis linear or flat linear robots and three-axis room linear robots can be selected. At Motek, igus introduced a new line robot and a new room linear robot with an enlarged workspace, which allows users to move even greater loads acrosslarger area.

Low Cost Automation with lubrication-free linear robot solutions
The two linear robots consist of pre-configured linear modules, aluminium linear axes, NEMA stepper motors and encoders. The new line robot can transport loads of up to 50 N in a workspace of 800x500mm at a maximum speed of up to 1 m/s. “The investment risk for the line robot is manageable, so that our automated pick-and-place applications for assembly tasks pay for themselves in less than six months. This means that decision makers have a low level of risk”, says Alexander Mühlens, Head of Automation Technology at igus. The new room linear robot is a good option for more complex tasks. It can transport loads of up to 50 N in a workspace of 800x800x500mm at a maximum speed of 0.5 m/s. Two ZLW toothed belt axes and one GRR gear rack axis ensure precise guidance and lubrication-free operation.

For fully automated sorting tasks
The new linear robot solutions are used in pick and place, bin picking and sorting tasks. Most of these processes have been moved to the end of the production line. This was also true at FachPack 2019 in the showcase of SSI Schäfer, the intralogistics specialist. The new drylin room linear robot automated the provision of sensitive products using a transport box with a thermoform insert. The specially developed packaging and the use of a linear robot allowed various coloured handles to be pre-sorted for the production of a household appliance. There are other linear robot use scenarios in microelectronics and automated testing.

Customise room linear robot design
In addition to the stock items, users can assemble their own linear robot with strokes of up to six metres at and request a quotation from igus. Depending on customer requirements, axis length and various motors can also be configured with such items as energy chains and cables from igus.

CONTACT:     Vaibhav Taware Regional Sales Manager-North   igus (India) Private Limited 36/1, Sy. No. 17/3 Euro School Road, DoddaNekkundi Industrial Area – 2nd Stage Mahadevapura Post Bangalore – 560048 Phone : +91 80 45127800 Cell      : (+91)9350922339 Visit us on www.igus.inCONTACT:     Serish Gupta Product Engineer   igus (India) Private Limited 36/1, Sy. No. 17/3 Euro School Road, DoddaNekkundi Industrial Area – 2nd Stage Mahadevapura Post Bangalore – 560048 Phone : +91 80 45127800 Cell      : (+91)81 0505 8844 Visit us on

The terms “igus”, “Apiro”, “chainflex”, “CFRIP”, “conprotect”, “CTD”, “drylin”, “dry-tech”, “dryspin”, “easy chain”, “e-chain”, “e-chain systems”, “e-ketten”, “e-kettensysteme”, “e-skin”, “flizz”, “ibow”, “igear”, “iglidur”, “igubal”, “kineKIT”, “manus”, “motion plastics”, “pikchain”, “plastics for longer life”, “readychain”, “readycable”, “ReBeL”, “speedigus”, “triflex”, “robolink”, and “xiros” are protected by trademark laws in the Federal Republic of Germany and internationally, where applicable.

Business News

A robot’s range quickly extended with 7th axis from igus

UR (Universal Robots) and robolink robots acquire a 5-times larger action radius thanks to a completely new solution

igus now offers a directly ready-to-connect 7th axis, so that a robot can move over a distance for several metres. The new complete system consists of a maintenance-free drylin ZLW toothed belt axis with corresponding adapter plate, switch cabinet, cables and software integration. For easy integration of the axis of the robot, igus has developed two adapter kits for robolink and UR robots. They enable fast and, above all, cost-effective low-cost automation.

Robots insert workpieces into a milling machine, dispense chocolate bars from vending machines and place crates on pallets, which are then stacked. But how can they move vertically, horizontally or overhead in a flexible manner? The answer is a 7th axis. Specifically, for linear adjustment, igus has developed a lubrication-free, lightweight flat axis with a stroke of up to 6m and a positioning accuracy of 0.5mm with the help of its drylin linear construction kit. To ensure that the axis can be easily combined with a robot, igus now offers overall solutions for UR3, UR5 and UR10 robots (Universal Robots), robolink DP robots and DCi robots. “A customer who acquires the new complete system receives, on the one hand, an adapter plate for easy attachment of the robot and the energy chain to the axis and, on the other, the corresponding integration solution, in other words the switch cabinet with cables, motor controller and the respective software solution”, explains Alexander Mühlens, Head of Automation Technology at igus GmbH. “If a robolink robot is used, the 7th axis can be easily controlled by means of the igus robot control software. For UR robots, we supply an UR-CAP as a direct integration solution, including all the electrical modules needed.” This means that the robot can be installed and put to work within just a few minutes.

Ready-to-connect 7th axis in desired length
The 7th axis is supplied by igus as a complete system that is ready to connect immediately, consisting of a drylin ZLW-20 toothed belt axis in the desired length exactly to the millimetre, plus the connecting cables, the switch cabinet, the power electronics, the software integration and the corresponding adapter set. Alternatively, the adapter set is separately available consisting of adapter plate and control system. 

CONTACT:     Vaibhav Taware Regional Sales Manager-North   igus (India) Private Limited 36/1, Sy. No. 17/3 Euro School Road, DoddaNekkundi Industrial Area – 2nd Stage Mahadevapura Post Bangalore – 560048 Phone : +91 80 45127800 Cell    :(+91)9350922339 Visit us on www.igus.inCONTACT:     Serish Gupta Product Engineer   igus (India) Private Limited 36/1, Sy. No. 17/3 Euro School Road, DoddaNekkundi Industrial Area – 2nd Stage Mahadevapura Post Bangalore – 560048 Phone : +91 80 45127800 Cell    :(+91)81 0505 8844 Visit us on

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