International Conference

Convergence of Interdisciplinary Science

February 25-26, 2023 | Kolkata, India

Conference Venue

Online (Google meet)
Session 1 and Session 2 | Feb 25, 2023
Session 3 and Session 4 | Feb 26, 2023

Contact Info

Phone : (+91)8250218245

Registration Closed

Poster Submission Deadline: 20th February-2023

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Session 1
Session 2

About iC2IS -2023

We solicit your gracious presence at the 2nd  International Conference on Convergence of Interdisciplinary Science” (iC2IS) which will be held during  February 25-26, 2023. The event will be in Online mode and this will allow you to participate as Virtual from your home or work.

The global summit will be centred on the theme “ Interdisciplinary Science for Better Perspective.”

It will establish a platform for exchanging cutting-edge research findings and advanced research methods in interdisciplinary science. This congress strives to provide a valuable forum for encouraging worldwide experts including researchers, scientists, material science experts, practitioners, chemists, engineers, healthcare professionals, clinicians and industry representatives for a multidisciplinary exchange of knowledge. Over the course of two-days, internationally recognised speakers will discuss how their research has progressed in response to current challenges: inspiring lessons and innovation.

The experts and industry partners will get a terrific networking opportunity. iC2IS 2023 will re-unite experts from the world’s finest research and professional institutes to discuss not only their expertise, but also their discoveries in the field. The colloquium also aims to foster synergistic collaboration between academics and industry, as well as to demonstrate the rapid advancement of cutting-edge technology in the field of Interdisciplinary Science and Engineering in recent years with an earnest International audience.

We encourage you to join us in addressing the topics of the iC2IS and contribute to the field alongside experts.

Organizing Committee

Editorial board of Science Dialectica

Scintia Education

Topics To Be Covered

  • Theroritical and Experimental Conedensed Matter Physics
  • 2D Materials (Graphene, MoS2, WS2, Mxene etc.) and Devices
  • Nanomaterials (Nanoparticle, Quanatum Dot, Perovskite, Quantum Cluster etc.)
  • Energy Devices ( Photovoltaics, Battery, Supercapacitor, Fuel cell, Piezoelectric, Thermoelectric, Triboelectric etc.)
  • Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning in Material Science
  • Biomaterials and Medical Devices & Biosensors
  • Sensors (Chemical, Gas, Wearable) and Actuators
  • Optical, Electronic, Magnetic Materials and Plasmonics
  • Metal Recycling Processes, Waste Treatment
  • Water Purification, Waste Water Management, Water Technology
  • Advance Chracterization Techniques and Instrumentation

Poster Competition


Scientific Sessions & Conference Schedule


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Photo Gallery ( Our last event)

Prof. Arup Kumar Das from IIT Roorkee, is presenting on a topic "Mechanical Sensors"
Dr Mohendra Roy Pandit from PDPU Gujarat, India, is delivering his talk on "Artificial intellegence in material Science" presenting
Dr. Amit Pathak from Banaras Hindu University, India, is presenting on the topic of "Intersteller molecules"
Dr. Jhimli Sarkar, Senior Scientist, from IIT Kharagpur, India is presenting on the "Microniddle for healthcare"
Dr. Raluca Anca Mereu from Babeș-Bolyai University, Chemical Engineering, Romania is presenting on "Fabrication of CIGS solar cell"CIGS
A PhD student from IISER Kolkata, is presenting his poster on "Catalysis design for efficient hydrogen evolution reaction"
Group photo taken after after the last session of the conference

List of Speakers

Dr. Arunima Bandyopadhyay
Associate Director

Dr. Reddy’s Laboratory,

Hyderabad, India

Dr. Madhumita Basu
Chief Scientist

CNG Agrocare Pvt Ltd, Kolkata

Prof. Arghya Narayan Banerjee

School of Mechanical and IT Engineering, Yeungnam University (YU), South Korea

Dr. Arup Kumar Das

Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, IIT Roorkee

Dr. Atanu Sengupta

Head Process Analytical Technology at Mobius Biomedical, US

Dr. Abhishek Chaudhuri

IISER Mohali, India

Dr. Sheo Kumar Mishra

Indira Gandhi National Tribal University, MP, India

Supported by

Scintia Research Foundation

78/52/85 Niranjan Samaj Pati Sarani, PO Halisahar,
24 North Parganas, West Bengal, India, 743134

Phone: (+91) 8250218245 /  7908127005

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