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Registration Open
Registration Deadline: 1st March 2025
Abstract Submission Deadline: 1st March 2025
Abstract Acceptance Announcement Date: 25th March 2025
Dear Delegates/Participants,
We are delighted to extend our heartfelt invitation to you for the “4th International Conference on Convergence of Interdisciplinary Science” (iC2IS), scheduled to take place on 5-6th April, 2025. This event will be conducted online, allowing you to participate virtually from the comfort of your home or workplace.
The overarching theme of this conference is “Interdisciplinary Science for Better Perspective.” This conference aims to establish an online platform for the exchange of cutting-edge research findings and advanced research methods in interdisciplinary science. We are eager to provide a valuable forum that encourages collaboration among worldwide experts, including researchers, scientists, engineers, healthcare professionals, and industry representatives.
The conference offers a unique networking opportunity for experts and industry partners. iC2IS – 2025 aims to bring together professionals from the world’s leading research and professional institutes to not only share their expertise but also discuss their groundbreaking discoveries in the field. The colloquium also seeks to foster synergistic collaboration between academia and industry, showcasing the rapid advancements in cutting-edge technology within the realm of Interdisciplinary Science and Engineering over recent years, drawing an earnest international audience.
We enthusiastically invite you to join us in addressing the pivotal topics of iC2IS and contribute to the field alongside esteemed experts. Your participation will undoubtedly enhance the richness of discussions and contribute to the success of this global event.
We look forward to your gracious presence at iC2IS-2025.
Best regards,
Prof. Arghya Narayan Banerjee
Convener iC2IS -2025
Topics To Be Covered
Invited Speaker
Inviated Speaker
Prof. Arghya Narayan Banerjee
Yeungnam University (YU), South Korea
Discussed on “Importance of nanomaterials in IoT” in iC2IS 2023
IGUS International, Germany
Collaborator of Scintia Research Foundation (SRF)
Was presenting an industrial talk about their products in iC2IS-2023.
Dr Mohendra Roy
Pandit from PDPU Gujarat, India
Talked on “Artificial intelligence in Material Science” in iC2IS 2022
Dr. Amit Pathak
Banaras Hindu University, India
Was presenting on the topic of “Interstellar molecules” in iC2IS 2022
Dr. Jhimli Sarkar
Senior Scientist, IIT Kharagpur, India
Was presenting on the “Microniddle for healthcare” in iC2IS 2022
Dr. Raluca Anca Mereu
Babeș-Bolyai University, Chemical Engineering, Romania
Was presenting on “Fabrication of CIGS solar cell”
Harish Reddy Inta
PhD student, IISER Kolkata
Presented his poster on “Catalysis design for efficient HER”