Plagiarism Policy

Plagiarism policy of Science Dialectica

The following is the plagiarism policy of Science Dialectica, a reputable peer-reviewed journal dedicated to promoting scholarly research and scientific integrity. This policy is designed to ensure the originality and ethical standards of the manuscripts submitted for publication in the journal.

  1. Definition of Plagiarism: Plagiarism is the act of presenting someone else's work, ideas, or intellectual property as one's own without giving proper credit or acknowledgment to the original author(s). This includes but is not limited to:
  2. a) Verbatim copying of text from other sources without proper citation or quotation marks. b) Paraphrasing or summarizing someone else's work without appropriate citation. c) Reproducing tables, figures, or images from other publications without permission or proper attribution. d) Self-plagiarism refers to the reuse of one's own previously published work or substantial portions of it without proper acknowledgment or disclosure.
  3. Plagiarism Detection: To ensure the originality of the submitted manuscripts, the journal employs plagiarism detection tools and software. These tools compare the submitted content with a vast database of published works and online sources to identify potential plagiarism instances. Authors are expected to cooperate fully with the journal during the plagiarism detection process.
  4. Author Responsibilities: Authors submitting manuscripts to the journal are responsible for ensuring the originality and integrity of their work. They must adhere to the following guidelines:
  5. a) Authors should appropriately cite and acknowledge all sources they have used in their research and writing. b) Authors must ensure that all data, figures, tables, or images taken from other sources are properly credited, and permission is obtained, if necessary. c) Authors should avoid excessive self-quotation and refrain from recycling their own previously published work without proper citation and disclosure.
  6. Plagiarism Investigation Process: In the event that plagiarism is suspected in a submitted manuscript, the journal will initiate an investigation process. This may include the following steps:
  7. a) The editorial board, editors, and reviewers will carefully examine the manuscript to identify any potential instances of plagiarism. b) Plagiarism detection tools and software may be used to compare the submitted manuscript with previously published works and online sources. c) If plagiarism is confirmed, the journal will notify the corresponding author and allow them to respond to the allegations. d) Based on the investigation findings and the author's response, the journal may take appropriate actions, which can include rejection of the manuscript, informing the author's institution or funding agency, or issuing a public statement.
  8. Consequences of Plagiarism: Plagiarism is considered a serious breach of academic and research ethics. If plagiarism is detected in a submitted manuscript, the following consequences may apply:
  9. a) The manuscript may be rejected, and the author will be informed about the reasons for rejection. b) The author's institution or funding agency may be notified of the plagiarism incident. c) The author's future submissions to the journal may be subjected to heightened scrutiny. d) The journal reserves the right to take further actions as deemed necessary, including reporting the incident to relevant professional organizations or publishing a retraction or correction.
  10. Education and Awareness: The journal is committed to promoting awareness about plagiarism and educating authors, reviewers, and readers about proper research and publication ethics. The journal may periodically provide resources, guidelines, or workshops on good publication practices to assist the scholarly community.

By submitting a manuscript to Science Dialectica, authors acknowledge their understanding of and compliance with this plagiarism policy. Failure to adhere to this policy may result in the rejection of the manuscript and potential consequences as outlined above.